Being unburdened with wealth, to buy my bread I sell my labor.
If you'd like to work together, just know I don't get out of bed for any less than starvation wages.
- Emerged at Sister's Hospital, Buffalo NY, 1996. One-time Participation Trophy Winner.
- Educated at Canisius High School 2010-2014. They say every jesuit student becomes a priest or an
atheist, and I'm no priest.
- Etherneted at Rochester Institute of Technology 2014-2018. BS, DS, and Nintendo Switch.
- Employed at L3 Harris Technologies 2018-present. Due to legal reasons, .
Specialties: Programming (python c c++ c#
html css js matlab idl java anything.), Optics, Radiometry, Statistics, Systems Engineering. Sailing,
and appliance repair, Music.